The Restless Hearts
-- by Maria Lixian Gee-Schweiger

Publisher: 美国南方出版社(May 29, 2023)
Language: ‎Chinese
Paperback: 442 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1683725398
Dimensions: 6.69 x 0.9 x 9.61 inches





李岘(Maria Lixian Gee-Schweiger)美籍华人、文学博士、美国中文作家协会创会主席和现任主席。


1992年移民美国后,先后或同时执教于美国多所大学二十年,担任过全美华人文教基金会理事长和暨南大学客座教授。在此期间撰写出版了长篇小说《微时代 VS 青春祭》《跨过半敞开的国门》,文集《李岘视点》《飘在美国》《感受真美国》,教科书《美国律师说汉语》等专著。编导制作了十二集电视纪录片《飘在美国》、编剧二十集电视剧《律师楼的故事》。



Maria Lixian Gee-Schweiger, Ph.D., The founder and president of the Chinese Writers Association of America, was born in China and immigrated to America in 1992. Before immigrating to the U.S., she served at the Heilongjiang province TV station as a screenplay writer and editor for 11 years and has been a member of both the National Television Experts Association and Play Experts Association in China since 1987. After moving to the U.S., she taught the Chinese language at several American colleges for twenty years. She is the author of six books and numerous articles published in America, including "Viewpoints of LiXian"(2021), "The Hardship of Youth and Now" (2019), "American Lawyers Speaking Chinese" (2014), "Adrift Without Roots" (2005), "The True Feeling About America" (1998), and "Step Across the Half-Opened Country Door" (1997). In addition to her writing, Maria directed, wrote, and produced a 12-episode documentary film called "Adrift Without Roots" in 2003 and was the screenwriter for the twenty-episode TV series "Story of the Lawyer's Building" in 2000. She also co-founded and chaired the American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation. For her extensive literary and cultural contributions, Maria has received a total of thirteen local and international awards. In 2009, she became the first Chinese American to receive the 6th Asian Heritage Awards in Media and Film, and she was the winner of the 2nd World Chinese Film & TV Awards by her novel "The Restless hearts" in 2023.


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