Muse of Light: People and Nature
Selected Poems of Some Minor Poets in Contemporary China
Publisher: 美国南方出版社 (April 11, 2022)
Language: English
Paperback: 200 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1683724414
Dimensions:5 x 0.46 x 8 inches
Selected Poems of Some Minor Poets in Contemporary China
Publisher: 美国南方出版社 (April 11, 2022)
Language: English
Paperback: 200 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1683724414
Dimensions:5 x 0.46 x 8 inches
诗 之 光:人与自然
Muse of Light
People and Nature
Selected Poems of Some Minor Poets
in Contemporary China
吴永强/ 译
Translated by Wu Yongqiang
Tom Jackson/ 审
Proofread by Tom Jackson
This collection of selected poems by some minor poets in contemporary China is supposed to be the second book edition of Muse of Light . However, it is not entitled with a serial number, but with a subtitle of People and Nature to indicate the main content.
This collection of Muse of Light is also included in Polyvocal Poetry Series of Orient-Occident Lit Collection (OOLC), which was started by Doctor Brent Yan and promoted by Beijing Bright Nova Media Corporation. OOLC aims to reestablish a national and international discourse context where the publicity tactics are innovated to promote new concepts, new domains, and new expressions that better integrate Chinese and foreign cultures, in addition to the traditional publicity strategies employed by our state government.
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